
Hello and welcome back to our monthly mobile report. 2020 is now over, but we had one more month of some pretty good games (two more months if you missed our report for ,,November). Let’s get right into the last month of this horrid year.


Monster Hunter Stories ($19.99)

Released first on the Nintendo 3DS, Monster Hunter Stories has been ported to iOS, and it’s a great game, even if you’re unfamiliar with the Monster Hunter series. The game is a cross between traditional Monster Hunter and Pokemon. You’re forming bonds with monsters along your journey and battling along the way. It’s a long game and it was a lot of fun from start to finish. I recommend this one but try to catch it on sale. It’s a high price tag that was recently on sale for $4.99.


Pixel Pro Golf (Free)

I am an awful golfer in real life, but for some reason have always been drawn to video game golf. When I first found Pixel Pro Golf, I played about six hours the first day, and have played it every day since. You can remove ads for only a dollar which I do recommend doing. I love this game so much that I will be doing a full review on it soon. Until then, play this one.


WWE Undefeated (Free)

This game was a pleasant surprise. So many games copy the Clash Royale mechanic but very few separate themselves as something worthy of being played. WWE Undefeated somehow did. You have your wrestler and then a deck of cards. Each card cost a certain amount of energy. You have to manage your energy while also moving your wrestler around to get in position to attack. It was a fun take on an overdone mechanic and I recommend playing this one.


Marvel Realm of Champions (Free)

I will basically play any mobile game Marvel puts out and most of them are passable at worst. Realm of Champions is one of the better ones they have done. Its a multiplayer game that has you battling in PVP battles or wave based PVE matches. You get heroes that you know and love and get to customize every part of them with new gear and weapons that you find, making every hero have a unique feel. If you like Marvel, or just good mobile games, then this is one for you.


Peggle Blast (Free)

Peggle Blast is a blast to play, pun intended. Peggle and Peggle 2 were both premium titles but Peggle Blast is free-to-play. The free-to-play structure is the crappy structure that’s in a lot of games. Buy power ups and buy lives to keep going. There’s no way to just unlock a full game and get rid of all the microtransactions. When this first came out, the free-to-play elements put me off, and I never got into it. I put the free-to-play stuff aside and ignored it and what I found was a great Peggle game hidden behind that model. If you’re like me, and love Peggle, but hate crappy free-to-play models, give this one a chance and just ignore it. You may be surprised.


For more reviews, be sure to check out my thoughts on NHL 21, ,Simulacra, and Huntdown and my new podcast: ,Game Bites, the latest entry in The Spinchoon Podcast Network (check out ,Flix & a Six here). As always, check us out on Twitter ,@,TheSpinchoon and I’m ,@,Big_Broons.



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