Call of Juarez: Gunslinger was originally released back in 2013 for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. It was recently ported to the Nintendo Switch for $19.99 which is where I reviewed it.n nnStorynnCall of Juarez: Gunslinger has one…
Halo Combat Evolved was a technical marvel when it released in 2001, showing the PC world that console gaming can be a real contender when it comes to first person shooters. I played it for the first time back in…
I didn’t know what to make of WandaVision when it was announced. I mean, really, just the title was tough to get on board with, but consider the two somewhat underdeveloped characters whose romance was foisted on us out of…
Far Cry is a series that I have played every entry from, except, for some strange reason, the two most recent ones. Thanks to Ubisoft + and Amazon Luna, I was able to finally jump in. n n Reviewed on…
Hello and welcome back to our monthly mobile report. 2020 is now over, but we had one more month of some pretty good games (two more months if you missed our report for ,,November). Let’s get right into the last…
NHL is the sports game that I spend the most time with every year. It’s consistently mediocre. With next generation consoles here, will this year’s entry show us the future is bright for the series? nn Reviewed on PS4 n…
Take a moment to do what you must (sigh, cheer, toast, etc.). I certainly appreciated the right thing finally being done. nn Now let’s move on. nn The Jets have a LOT to do to make this all right. nn…