
Book: Vacation Wars


Author: Meghan Quinn


Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.


Tessa and her family vacationed in Greece at Hotel Anissa every summer since she was young. Every year she would see a “hot” worker and crush on him from afar. n


Fast forward to the present day when she is on a girl’s trip at Anissa’s right before her sister’s wedding. Her sister and friends are taking this opportunity to try and find a guy for Tessa, to the point where they have dug up the contract that they made when they were younger. The contract was something they made as kids that would affect their love life if they were not married at a certain age.n


I felt bad for Tessa during this search. I know the girls relatively meant well but they pushed things too far at times. Her sister talking down to her helped make me really feel bad for Tessa. n


I was so happy that she stood up for herself and found the courage to talk to her childhood crush, Myles. They both needed each other after dealing with family issues. I loved watching them grow and fall in love.


I also loved the antics that Tessa would pull on her friends to be left alone so she could sneak off with Myles. I was rooting for Tessa throughout the whole book. n


By the end of the book, I had gotten so invested in Tessa and Myles’s relationship. They were adorable and I was on edge toward the end, I just needed to know how things would end up.


This is a perfect beach read. Meghan Quinn describes the hotel and Greece so perfectly that it is easy to imagine just how beautiful the place and country are.


Final Score 5/5


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