
Book: Townshipped


Author: Savannah Scott


Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an advanced audio copy.


Savannah Scott absolutely does it again with the third book in the getting shipped series, Townshipped.


Like the two books before Scott takes an overused cliche but makes it feel fresh and new by not sticking to the usual formula. n


In Townshipped Mallory crashes her car during a snowstorm. She hits her head and forgets everything. She is rescued by Aiden who brings her back to his farm and lets her start the healing process. There is the cliche, the rest doesn’t follow the mold this cliche usually has. Typically the one who loses their memory has a life they thought they loved with a significant other. They then need to make the choice of who they want to be with and what life they want to live. Well in this book we know from the start that Mallory is single so it would not be your typical choice.n


With every entry, the series just keeps getting better. Aiden and Mallory are my favorite couple in the series. My favorite couple has changed with each entry so I can’t wait to see if that trend continues in the next story.


I really love Mallory and Aiden’s story. They both take on so much and they don’t always put their happiness first. I could not wait to see if or how these two would figure it out and be together. n


This book hit me harder emotionally than the other two. I’m not sure if it was my attachment to the characters or if it’s just watching Scott’s writing mature but this book was really very special and is currently my favorite in the series. n


Final score 5/5


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