
Book: The Spirit Girls


Author: Dawn Merman


Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for an advanced audio copy.


The Spirit Girls is the first book in the Rylan Flynn Mystery series. This is a great way to start a series. It gives you a complete story but leaves you wanting more in some aspects, begging you to come back for the next book.


Rylan has the ability to talk to spirits. She has a YouTube series that is all about her taking to spirits and even helping them cross over. One night she sees a spirit of a young girl that has her follow her into the woods. The spirit brings Rylan to her body which was a gruesome scene. It looked like a ritualistic murder. n


The police detective on the case is Rylan’s brother’s best friend and her love interest, Ford Pearce. I loved Ford and Rylan together and the two of them are one of the main reasons I will be back for the next book.


Rylan gets herself right in the middle of the investigation and finds another body. I really liked Rylan and all her supporting cast. I finished this book in one sitting, I just had to know what happened, I was completely hooked.n


I really hope we do not have to wait long for the next book in the series!


Final Score 5/5


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