
Book: The Soulmate


Author: Sally Hepworth


Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.


Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy.


Kristen’s Review:


This is a perfect suspenseful thriller! It will leave you on edge until the very end with multiple twists and turns!n


Gabe and Pippa move to a coastal area in an extravagant house on a cliff overlooking the ocean. The cliff has become a known suicide spot. Gabe has become well known in the community as someone that helps anyone he sees going to the spot. He will ask if they want to talk and hopefully help them walk away from the cliff. Until one night…


A woman comes to the cliff and Gabe went to talk to her, one thing leads to another and she was gone. Was her death a suicide or was she pushed?


The unraveling and layering of what happens next will leave you wanting more. You won’t want to book this book down.


The ending leaves you just saying WOW! n


Such a great book!n

Brian’s Review:


I love it when I’m wrong. Judging by the summary of the book I did not think I was going to like this book. Not only did I like it, I loved it!


Gabe and Pippa bought a coastal home with a cliff that has become a popular spot for people to end their lives. Gabe has always been able to talk them down and save their lives. That is until Amanda shows up and Pippa thinks Gabe may have pushed her.


In every chapter you were learning so much about Gabe, Pippa, and everyone around them. What you learned varied from mundane information to shocking twists. You have a few different narratives and timelines that you are learning from. One is from Amanda’s point of view, after she fell which was very interesting. n


I had more and more questions as this book went on and I was intrigued at every step. I could not believe how sucked into this world I got. I can not recommend this one enough.


Final Score 5/5


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