
Book: The Second Ending


Author: Michelle Hoffman


Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Ballantine for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.


Prudence was a child prodigy who taught herself to play piano at age three. She had become so famous that she even played at the White House. As she got older, she realized she was pushed into playing because of her grandmother. Now she is pushing 50 years old, an empty nester, and she is just trying to find some happiness in her life. This is when she turns back to the piano. She decides to compete in one of the biggest tv shows, a dueling piano competition. n


Once we begin to learn about the tv show we learn more about her rival. His name is Alexei and he has gone viral for playing piano. We learn he is dealing with some personal issues as well. For instance, his parents pushed him to play piano so he lost most of his childhood and the opportunity to make lifelong friends while he was young. n


This story is told from multiple points of view but it doesn’t get confusing. Everything flows very nicely throughout the story. n


This is a fun and sweet story about self-discovery and never giving up on your dreams, no matter how old you are.


Final Score 4/5


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