
Book: The Rescue


Author: T. Jefferson Parkern


Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy. n

The Rescue is a book that I really liked but it also really annoyed me. The reason it annoyed me is that this was a good book that I wanted to be great, and it could have been. n


I tried to explain this story and it sounded extremely confusing. It’s definitely a little more complicated than I expected but I was never confused while going through the book. Bettina is a reporter who rescued a dog she named Felix. The dog has a crazy past that brings a Mexican drug cartel banging on Bettina’s door.


What this book captured so well is a human’s love for a dog. As soon as a dog enters your house you fall in love. It doesn’t matter if you had the dog for a minute, a year, or a decade. The love is instant. That part of the story is beautiful. n


The aspect of this book that kept it from being great was the characters. They all were very predictable and lacked depth. I wanted so much more from them, especially Bettina. Most of the time I did not really find Bettina likable, outside of being a dog lover.


Some chapters of this book are written from the dog’s perspective. Those chapters are absolutely brilliant and expertly written. They make the book worth it.n


I recommended this book to any dog lover out there.


Final score 4/5


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