
Book: The Raven Thief


Author: Gigi Pandian


Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy.


The Raven Thief is the second book in the secret staircase mystery series. It will work just fine as a stand-alone. This is not my first book by Pandian but this was my first entry into the secret staircase series.


The story follows Tempest Raj who is on a mission to solve the murder of author Corbin Colt to exonerate her family. This is a brilliantly written and well put together locked room mystery. There were four impossible feats that took place to lead to the murder of Corbin. Solving and rationalizing how something impossible is not only possible but plausible was my favorite part of the story. I cared more about them figuring out this part than the actual murder itself. That was until all four impossible tasks were figured out. Then I just had to know how the murder took place.


Pandian knows how to craft a story and fill it with great characters. I love her other series the accidental alchemist and this will be another series I will continue to follow.


I also loved that there was a pretty long segment that was just dedicated to thanking people. I love when people take time to acknowledge others who helped them get to where they are. Then the book closes out with some recipes I can not wait to try!


If you are not familiar with Gigi Pandian then make yourself familiar and check out as many of her books as possible.


Final score 4/5


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