
Book: The Plus One


Author: Mazey Eddings


nThank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.


Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy.


Kristen’s Review:


The main character starts off walking in on her then boyfriend with another woman. She packs her things and stays at her brother’s house. She figured since her brother is getting married soon he could use the help with wedding planning.


When she gets to her brother’s house she finds out her childhood enemy Jude is staying there as well. Jude is Indira’s brother’s friend who was always around since they were kids. n


Jude is a doctor traveling to different countries to help people during emergency situations. He has been through a lot. He was able to return home for several weeks to attend his best friend’s wedding. What he realized is that he is struggling with PTSD from the trauma he has been through.


Once Indira finds out that her ex will be at all of the events leading to the wedding, she asks Jude if he can be her fake wedding date to help her get through the wedding.


What started off as a harmless request blossomed into a great romance. n


The way Indira would know just what Jude was going through and the way she helped him every chance she could was so nice to see. Even if it was the littlest thing like asking him to go outside with her for some fresh air.


I loved the way they made each other whole again after everything they had both gone through. They deserved to find happiness again.


This is a very cute romance that has some very real discussions about mental health, PTSD, and how to heal and cope with it each day.


Final Score 4/5

nBrian’s Review:


The Plus One was not at all what I was expecting but that’s not a bad thing. The story follows Indira and Jude who were childhood enemies. n


Indira is fresh off a horrible breakup where she walked in on something you never want to walk in on. Jude is a doctor who is dealing with a lot of trauma from treating patients in different parts of the world during emergency situations. n


Indira’s brother is getting married and that’s what brings Jude and her together. Indira keeps running into her ex and the crowds and loud noises are triggering PTSD from Jude’s work. They pretend to be a couple which will end up helping both of them in this situation. n


Seeing how Indira and Jude navigate all these difficult scenarios was touching. This book really hits some hard subjects and does it all well. This book also promotes the importance of using tools around you like therapy and it handles all that perfectly. n


My biggest complaint about the book has to do with the romance elements. I don’t like the explicit detail that so many books go into now. I do not think graphic sex is the only way to show two characters love each other. So many books show a couple’s love without going into all the bedroom detail and in my opinion that is more effective.


Final Score 4/5


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