
Book: The House Guest


Author: Hank Phillippi Ryan


Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy.


The House Guest has a very interesting premise. The story follows Alyssa who is going through a divorce. Divorces are messy and The House Guest shines brightest when it shows you just how messy a divorce can be.


Unfortunately for about 75% of the book I was a little bored. The main characters are not that interesting and the plot was not as captivating as I hoped. The final quarter of the book has me smirking and quoting the A-Team “I love it when a plan comes together”. The final act is very well written and thought out perfectly. The book almost felt that this may have been a short story that was flushed out into a novel. I don’t know if the final act is enough for me to fully recommend the book but it comes close.


The narration was possibly the biggest problem I had with the book. Stephanie Willing is a fantastic reader but not the best narrator. Her voice remains the same throughout making it harder to pay attention to which character is which.


Final score 3/5


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