
Book: The Dark King


Author: Gina L Maxwell


Thank you NetGalley and RB Media for an advanced audio copy.


The Dark King sounds like a silly cliche story on the surface but once you get into you quickly realize it’s so much more.


Bryn loses her job and then gets an offer too good to be true. A free weekend at a famous hotel and casino in Vegas called Nightfall. The night she gets there she meets the owner, Caiden, and they absolutely hit it off. The way they are playing off each other was perfect. Then the cliche story part happens. They wake up the next day, do not remember anything, and are married. That is both where the cliche starts and finishes. I loved everything that came next.


Turns out Caiden is not what he seems. Not only is he extremely rude and different the morning they wake up married. We also find out he is not human. He is a Dark Fae, and not only that, he is the king of the Dark Fae’s. When he and Bryn got married they awoke a curse that bonded them together. A bond that should only work with two Fae’s not a Fae and a human. Bryn and Caiden now coexist and one literally can’t live without the other. I love the symbolism with this. Outliving a partner is not something I ever want to think about so the idea that they literally can not is truly moving. Bryn and Caiden’s relationship was such a great relationship to watch grow. To see them realize how much they love each other but they do not want to show it was frustrating and left me wanting to scream at them. Gina L. Maxwell really knows how to write characters you want to care about it and want nothing but happiness for. n


This book really has everything. It has mystery, it has romance, it has humor, and it has some good fights. I went through this book so fast. I just had to know how and why Caiden and Bryn were bonded, and I really enjoyed their relationship together. There were so many details and open ends I just had to know the answers too making it impossible to pull away from the book.


Without any spoilers, there is a fight scene towards the end of the book that has such good imagery and writing I was truly lost in the world. I felt I was there and in a book not grounded in reality that can be something hard to achieve.


This is the first book of the series and it sets up a series that can not wait to go back to.


As for the narration, it was absolutely perfect. Especially Caidens narrator. His voice and the way he speaks is exactly what I would picture coming out of the Dark King.




Final score 5/5


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