
Book: The Chaperone


Author: M Hendrix


Thank you NetGalley and RB Media for an advanced audio copy. n

The Chaperone was a book that kept me intrigued and invested throughout the entire story. That’s not to say it was not without issues though. The story follows Stella who is a young woman in “New America”. New America is basically a dystopia and women have no rights. They go to school and then get married. Some girls have chaperones because girls are not supposed to go anywhere alone. There are Kidnappings of young girls all around New America but Stella soon learns that there are more behind the kidnappings.n


My two problems with the story were that it was too predictable and ended too quickly. As more information was told about New America, we learned about the kidnappings and the chaperones it was very easy to see where this book was going. I said to myself “I bet this will happen” but I also hoped that was not what was going to happen. Sadly it happened.n


My other problem was the ending. I don’t think the ending is bad but I just wanted more. I wanted to see where the story would go from where we left Stella. I hope we get a sequel to answer some of my questions.n


Final Score 4/5


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