
Book: The Banned Bookshop of Maggie Banks


Author: Shauna Robinson


Thank you NetGalley and OrangeSky Audio for an advanced audio copy.


The Banned BookShop of Maggie Banks was such a pleasant surprise for me and I loved every minute of it. I didn’t know much about the book going into it and when I was done I immediately preordered a copy for my wife. n


The story follows Maggie who is struggling to find her calling in life. Maggie moves to Bell River, a small town where her best friend runs a bookstore. The bookstore is struggling due to restrictions put on what they can sell. They can not sell any contemporary books forcing people to leave Bell River if they want to buy new books.


Maggie ends up selling books she shouldn’t have and started one of the most interesting book clubs I have ever heard of and I would travel a long distance to be a part of it. They take a classic novel and put a modern twist on the story. n


While Maggie is finally starting to feel purpose in her professional life, her love life is also coming together. n


You can’t help but just fall in love with Maggie. She is such a great character that goes through so much growth throughout the book. She has such great qualities and you want nothing but the best for her.


Malcolm, Maggie’s love interest surprisingly goes through the most growth in my opinion and is a totally different and better Malcolm by the end of the book.


I really enjoyed this one and it made me want to start a unique book club. Everyone should read this.


Final Score 5/5


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