
Book: Seven Rules For Breaking Hearts


Author: Kristyn J. Miller


Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.


Margo and Jo are best friends who have a viral dating podcast based on the seven rules of dating. Jo surprises everyone including her best friend by getting married. n


The wedding will be fully expensed by the podcast sponsors. Jo, her fiancé, and the bridal party will spend two weeks on Catalina Island. Ending their trip with the wedding.n


The podcast is now under fire due to Jo’s wedding. Sponsors are dropping them and they are losing followers. They try to brainstorm a way to spin the seventh season of the podcast. Margo comes up with an idea to break all the rules that the podcast is based on. She decides to break the rules with the best man Declan. She has known Declan since high school and she did not like him much back then. She thought he did not like her either but it turns out that Declan actually had a massive crush on her.n


I enjoyed the humor in this book. The dates that Margo and Declan tried to go on were fun and something would always go wrong. n


I did like the use of social media and the podcast in this book. It didn’t feel in your face and I loved that we got to read some of the podcast episodes at the end of most chapters. n


I loved that in the end Margo decided to not let the podcast overtake her thoughts on love. She followed her heart and I love where it took her.n


This is a really cute romantic comedy. I would add this to your summer reading list!


Final Score 4/5


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