
Book: Said No One Ever


Author: Stephanie Edingn


Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an advanced audio copy. n

I absolutely adored this book. Ellie takes a trip to an Airbnb farm in Montana to get away. The owner, Marilyn, falls and gets taken away in an ambulance the day Ellie gets there. Ellie decides to visit Marilyn and gets sucked right in by her amazing personality. She is the grandma that we all want and need.


Ellie also starts to take care of the farm when Marilyn is recovering. In doing so she is thrown into a world she has no idea how to control and it was so much fun to watch her figure it out and make some friends along the way. All the animals were great but I think I had a soft spot for Sherrif.


When Marilyn’s grandson Warren comes into the picture it just showed that author Stephanie Eding knows how to make characters you instantly fall in love with. When the Vet, Tori, comes into the mix it was impossible to decide who my favorite character was. Everyone was so well-written and developed. n


After finishing this book I immediately preordered a copy for my wife to read. When I do that I know I really loved the book.


Final Score 5/5


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