
Book: Romantic Comedy


Author: Curtis Sittenfeld


Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.


This book was really fun to read. The story follows Sally who is a writer for a television show called “The Night Owls”. The Night Owls sounds very similar to Saturday Night Live and has a similar structure. Every Saturday the show is live and has sketches with celebrity guests hosting and performing. It was really interesting to read about this process and all the work that goes into a show like that.


Celebrity guest, Noah Brewster is a pop star that will be hosting and performing on this particular week.


Sally writes a skit for Noah to star in called The Danny Horst Rule. Which is based on some of her coworkers who are just average guys who are dating beautiful women. Her thought is that it will never be the other way around, where an average woman dates a handsome guy. In doing this she notices a connection between her and Noah. n


Then Covid hits and things get really interesting between them. The second part was a full email exchange between Sally and Noah talking about anything and everything. I really enjoy their pen pal exchange. It was so cute seeing them get to know one another in this medium.n


This was a really charming and fun read!


Final Score 4/5



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