
Book: Play to Win


Author: Jodie Slaughter


Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy.


Play to Win is a second-chance love story between Miriam and Leo. I enjoyed most of this story but had some issues along the way. The biggest issue I had and it seems I am not alone is about Leo. Leo left Miriam and is now only back in her life because Miriam won the lottery and wanted a divorce. Leo walked out on her 8 years ago and has not seen or talked to her since. To me, that’s not someone who deserves a second chance.


This was also considered to be a romantic comedy. I did not find any of this to be funny. Not that it is a bad thing. It definitely nails the romance side, it doesn’t need to have comedy to go with it. n


As a character I really did like Miriam. After winning the lottery she always stayed true to herself and was always a great person. She is one of the most genuine characters I have seen so far this year.


I enjoyed the writing in this book, and I’m thankful for that. I had problems with the story so if the writing was bad on top of that I would not be able to recommend this book. If you like second-chance love stories then definitely check this out. If you don’t, that’s ok, but maybe you don’t need this book.


Final Score 3/5


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