
Book: North of Nowhere


Author: Allison Brennan


Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy.


I was absolutely transported and lost in the Montana wilderness for this adventure. I finished this book in almost one sitting. I could not stop. Every part of this book was so captivating, I never wanted it to end.n


The story follows two young kids, Kristen (sixteen) and Ryan (eleven) who are on the run from their biological father. Tony has been caring for them for five years and tries to fly out of Montana when their plane gets shot at forcing him to make an emergency crash landing in the wilderness. Once the plane is on the ground they have to survive being tracked and hunted by more than one group and they have to survive the winter storm that is approaching.


This is some of the best writing I have seen. Every character was well developed and every piece of scenery was so easy to visualize and that was done without killing you with descriptions. I do not know how Allison Brennan did it. I can not wait to check out more books by her.


I can not recommend this book enough. This is a must-read.


Final Score: 5/5


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