
Book: Never Ever Getting Back Together


Author: Sophie Gonzalesn


Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy.


Never Ever Getting Back Together was a book my wife pointed out to me and we both thought we would love. She was right! This was a fun story about moving on.


The premise sounded like the show the Bachelor with a little twist. They are making a reality show about a second chance at love. All the contestants were ex girlfriends of Jordy, the star of reality show. Jordy comes off as a nice guy to the public but one contestant knows the truth and tries to expose him.


Maya knows who Jordy really is. She dated Jordy and then Jordy cheated on her and spun the narrative to the public to make him look like the victim. He cheated on her with Skye, another contestant on the show and Maya’s roommate during their duration on the show.


Maya and Skye at first hate each other and it’s all because of the lies that were told by Jordy. Once the girls figure out the truth, Maya and Skye realize that they like each other. Going from enemies to lovers is an easy narrative to screw up but it’s done really well here and you will be rooting for Maya and Skye to find happiness together.


I really liked both Maya and Skye as separate characters and also as a couple but I did not really like any of the other characters. The other characters were either just cliches or uninteresting. Luckily the two main women are interesting enough to keep you invested. n


This was a unique and fun premise and I recommended this one.


Final score 4/5


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