
Book: Infamous


Author: Lex Crouchern


Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy.


Infamous is a romance book that takes place during the regency era, this is an era that I have not explored in many books and don’t see myself exploring any further. n


This story takes place from the main character Edith’s point of view. I had a hard time with Edith. I did not find her likable and had a hard time wanting happiness for her. Her best friend Rose is a character that I did like more but still did not get very invested in her.


The story was a little disjointed and boring at times but it ends up hitting everything you want from a romance novel. It however is classified as a rom-com. For me at least that’s a stretch. I didn’t find this book to be funny.


A lot of my problems may stem from the fact that I listened to the audiobook. This may have been the worst narrator I have listened to. Every character sounded the same and lacked emotion. A better narrator may have led to me enjoying this more.


Final Score 2/5


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