
Book: Frozen Detective


Author: Amanda Flower


Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape media for an advanced audio copy.


The Frozen Detective is the second book in the Piper and Porter series. I had no knowledge of the first entry into this series and had no issues getting into the story and enjoying the book.


The two main characters, Darby Piper and Tate Porter are private investigators tasked with going undercover as a couple to start an investigation. The investigation takes place during a party at a private ski resort. They are hired by Cecily Madd who suspects her husband is in danger. Soon after the party and the investigation started, you find out she was right and her husband is found dead.


I really enjoyed following Darby during the investigation. I found her to be an interesting character and really liked her. I wasn’t really a fan of Tate as I always felt like he was hiding something from Darby.


I liked this book but I did have a really big issue with it. Every story has an outcome that is so obvious, so obvious that you know it can’t be true and it never is. Well, here it was. You can see this coming from a mile away. The book failed to keep me guessing and became an obvious paint-by-numbers investigation book. Thankfully Darby was such a great character otherwise this book would have been even harder to enjoy.




Final Score 3/5


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