
Book: Friendshipped


Author: Savanah Scott


Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape media for an advanced audio copy. n

Friendshipped was such a good surprise for me. I went into this thinking it was the overused cliche of one best friend is in love with the other and it takes the whole story for the other friend to realize they are in love too. That’s not what Friendshipped is. Right from the start we learn that both of our best friends, Trevor and Lexi are in love with each other, but they both do not think the other is in love.


This book will have you screaming at the pages from chapter one that these two just need to be together. Both of them think they are in the friend zone by the other. This was so refreshing from the usual take on this and it was done so well.


Trevor and Lexi are both such great characters that you will wish are real so you can be friends with them. They are always there for each other and I just could not wait to for them to realize they both want to exit the friend zone. n


This is up there for one of my favorite romantic comedy books. I can’t recommend it enough.


Final score 5/5


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