
Book: Dinosaurs


Author: Lydia Millet


Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an advanced Audio copy.


Dinosaurs is a quick read that follows our main character Gil, through both flashbacks and the present day. n


Gil lives in Manhattan but then buys a house in Arizona to make a change. Gil does not just take a plane or drive cross-country to Arizona. He decided to walk. Taking five months he completes his journey, and that sounds like one of the worst experiences I could ever imagine.


Once Gil gets to his new home he can see his neighbor’s house is for sale. There is an interesting design to the house. The side of the house facing Gil is completely made of glass.


The house is bought by a family of four and with the glass wall, Gil can see right into their house. I liked Gil’s struggle with wanting to look but also trying hard not to look. It’s exactly what I would have been doing. The family even recognizes it and describes themself as being in a fish tank. n


Gil develops a relationship with the family, especially the son Tom. Gil is protective of Tom and the whole family, and I enjoyed watching the bond grow. n


This book was filled with metaphors, some of them better than others. There was some humor throughout the book but not as much as I was expecting. There was a lot of Sadness surrounding Gil but overall Gil’s story is a feel-good story and he is a genuinely good person.n


Final Score 4/5


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