
Book: Blind Spots


Author: Thomas Mullenn


Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy. n

Blind Spots is a crime novel with an interesting plot that failed to fully grab me. The story follows detective Mark Owens in a world where everyone has gone blind. There is technology present to help people see but that’s what fails detective Owens. He witnesses a murder but he can not see who did it. No one believes him and detective Owens has to solve the murders and prove to everyone he was right. n


The story really reminded by of the movie I Robot. In the movie, everyone trusted the robots so it was laughable to think they can commit a crime. In Blind Spots, everyone believed in the technology that allowed them to see so the idea of our vision being hacked was not believable to anyone.n


Blind Spots had a lot of great ideas but I struggled to get fully invested. There was nothing that was bad or offensive, it just didn’t hook me. The investigation process was also not the most interesting. I liked detective Owens as a character but during the investigations, I found him a little bland.


I like this premise and would be interested to go back to this world if this were to be expanded. n


Final Score 3/5


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