Review: Uncharted 2

After I finished the first Uncharted I immediately started playing Uncharted 2. Uncharted 2 is considered the best by many fans. I don’t think I was one of them but let’s find out. nn Reviewed on PlayStation 5 n Uncharted…

Book Review: Bookish People

Book: Bookish People n Author: Susan Coll nn Thank you to Harper Muse and Netgalley for an eARC. n I really wanted to love this book based off the cover alone. The cover is what drew me in first and…

The Apple Arcade List: Tint

The Apple Arcade reviews keep coming. Today we have a review on the puzzle game Tint. Tint is a color based puzzle that is meant to be relaxing. Is it relaxing? Is it fun? Let’s dive in to see. n…

Book Review: The Pink Hotel

Book: The Pink Hotel n Author: Liska Jacobs nn Thank you Netgalley & Farrar, Straus and Giroux, MCD for an eARCn I loved the book cover, that’s what initially got my attention. The description also sounded great. It follows a…