Review: When In Rome

Book: When in Rome n Author: Sarah Adams nn Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Ballantine for an eARC in exchange for my honest review. n I loved this book so much! Amelia and Noah easily became one of my…

Review: The Hostage

Book: The Hostage n Author: A.F. Carter nn Thank you NetGalley and HighBridge Audio for an advanced audio copy. n The hostage opens up with an exhilarating scene. Elizabeth is kidnapped and the first chapter is from her point of…

Review: Uncharted 3

My replay of the Uncharted games is going way quicker than I could have imagined. The games are so much fun that I can’t stop playing them and I got hooked all over again. nn Reviewed on PlayStation 5 n…

Review: Aces Wild: A Heist

Book: Aces Wild: A Heist n Author: Amanda Dewitt nn Thank you NetGalley and RB Media for an advanced audio copy. n Aces Wild is a fun story about lies, gambling, and friendship. The story follows Jack Shannon a 17-year-old…