Monthly Mobile Gaming Report for September 2020
Welcome back! Another month down and another month where my phone was my dominant gaming platform. If you missed last month be sure to check out my report for August. As always every game on this list is not new, just where my time has been.
,,,Baseball Superstars 2020 (Free)

Baseball Superstars is a game that I have been waiting almost a decade for. It’s a mash up of RPG mechanics and baseball, two things that really shouldn’t work well together, but they do here. You are developing different players and adding them to your team to make the best team you can. The gameplay is fun and the loop of developing players and adding them to your team was engaging. I will be breaking this one down into a full review in the near future. This is one I recommend checking out for some fun baseball.
n,,,Paint it Back (Game Club)

Paint it Back is a puzzle game that has you restoring art in a museum. The puzzles are nonograms, or picross, whichever term you are more familiar with. They start out easy and get very large and difficult. They end up getting so large that you have to complete them in pieces to get the entire image. I recommend this one to anyone who is a fan of puzzles since there are a lot of puzzles to keep you busy. You will, however, need a Game Club subscription to play.
n,,,Streets of Rage (Free)

After my review of ,,Streets of Rage 4, I couldn’t get the originals out of my head. I bought the classic collection on Switch, and have been playing that too, but the simple controls of the game make it a great fit on mobile. Having this game in my pocket just felt right. I have played through it a few times and just keep going back. I highly recommend this one.
n,,,Project Rip (Free)

Project Rip has the look and feel of the classic game Doom. You will be fighting off hordes of monsters in a series of wave based combat. A huge variety of weapons and difficulty spikes kept me busy for hours. This is one I recommend to any fan of the FPS genre.
n,,,Rogue Agents (Free)

Rogue Agents is a third person team based competitive shooter. What makes this one different from the rest is a heavy emphasis on parkour. Run, jump, and climb as you engage in combat. The controls took some getting used to, but once I did, this was a nice change from the rest of the shooters I consistently play. I recommend this one to shooter fans looking for something a little different.
n,,,Bonus Game,,,,,,Tom Clancy’s Elite Squad (Free)

First off this is a bad game. I wanted to mention it because last year on ,,Fli6, during our E3 episode, I had said this was one of my most anticipated games from the show. Now that it’s here, this game is awful. Its everything that’s wrong with mobile games. Its an autoplay game with almost no control and just pay to win garbage. I tried to play through it for review but I honestly just can’t waste any more of my time with it. There is no fun to be had in this one, stay away, stay far away.
For more reviews, be sure to check out my thoughts on Might & Magic: Chess Royale, Vigor, My Friend Pedro and my new podcast: Game Bites, the latest entry in The Spinchoon Podcast Network (check out Flix & a Six here). As always, check us out on Twitter @TheSpinchoon and I’m @Big_Broons.