Monthly Mobile Gaming Report for May 2020
Another month down and another great month to have a phone and play some mobile games. If you don’t know by now, this list is not all new games, it’s just the games I have been wasting the most time in this month. If you missed last month’s list it’s not too late! Check out my report for April. Now, let’s get to the list.
KartRider Rush+ (Free)

When Mario Kart Tour came out I was hooked. I wanted a good cart racer on mobile and that delivered. Now that KartRider Rush + came out, it’s broken my brain. It made me actively not like Mario Kart Tour. The level of control and detail in this game was great and kept me busy for hours. Races are quick so it was an easy game to just pick up and play. This is a game I highly recommend for anyone.
Rumble Hockey (Free)

Many many months ago I put Rumble Stars on my monthly report. Now with Rumble Hockey, nothing has changed at all, except this time it’s a sport that I actively watch. Sling players onto the rink and watch them try to score. There is a lot more strategy involved than it initially looks like. Learning what to do in certain situations is an absolute joy. This is an easy recommendation for anyone who likes to play games on their phone.
Disney Sorcerer’s Arena (Free)

This game is an action game that has you collecting both heroes and villains from the Disney universe and pitting them against each other. It plays and looks like every game of this genre. The only thing that sets this apart from the others is all the Disney characters to unlock. I was heavy into Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, but fell off of it; this filled that void since it’s the same gameplay. This is one every Disney fan should check out.
Perfect Swing (Free)

I am terrible at golf in real life, but the virtual tee I’m pretty good at, and enjoy a great deal. Perfect swing is great for those who want to play alone or go against someone online. The controls feel great and I never felt at a disadvantage for not spending any real money. This is one I recommend for any golf fan, virtual or real.
Roller Coaster Tycoon Story (Free)

Growing up, Roller Coaster Tycoon was one of the first PC games that I really got hooked on. Sure, Roller Coaster Tycoon Classic is available on iOS. and plays pretty well, so I could play that, but I happen to stumble into this. Its a match three game that you play missions in order to unlock new rides and attractions for your them park. It was a nice change to the typical match three formula. I had a lot of fun with this one and definitely recommend this to any puzzle fan.
This month we have a bonus game; it’s a bonus game because I already mentioned it in an earlier report. The game is Brawl Stars. Since I originally reported on it, the game has seen massive updates and improvements, adding multiple new characters and game modes. It also added a battle pass that seems pretty fair to free to play players. I’m hooked all over again. If you haven’t checked it out yet, Brawl Stars is free, and definitely worth your time.

For more on games, check out my Retro Review of The Last of Us and my review of Darwin Project. Oh hey, we also started a new podcast about video games! Our first episode is live, where we take a deep dive into the Last of Us. Be sure to check out Game Bites on all podcast services.