
Review: North of Nowhere

Book: North of Nowhere n Author: Allison Brennan nn Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy. n I was absolutely transported and lost in the Montana wilderness for this adventure. I finished this book in almost…

Review: Unnecessary Drama

Book: Unnecessary Drama n Author: Nina Kenwood nn Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy. n Brooke is always the one who takes care of everyone. She is always put together and in control. This story…

Review: Best Friends

Book: Best Friends n Author: Shannon Hale nn Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy. n Anytime I review a kid’s book I always ask myself one question when I’m done. Would I purchase this for…

The Girl Who Lied

Book: The Girl Who Lied n Author: Shannon Hollinger nn Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for an advanced audio copy. n This is Chief Maggie Riley book one, and how this one ended made me excited for book two….

Review: Rubicons

Book: Rubicons n Author: Brett Riley nn Thank you NetGalley and Imbrifex Audio for an advanced audio copy. n Rubicons is the third entry in the Freaks Saga. I was unaware of the Freaks Saga before this book but after…

Review: Small Town Sins

Book: Small Town Sins n Author: Ken Jaworowskin n Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan for an advanced audio copy. n Small Town Sins is a great book that left me wanting more. The story follows three different characters that are…

Review: Gone Tonight

Book: Gone Tonight n Author: Sarah Pekkanenn n Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan for an advanced audio copy. n Gone Tonight started out slow but picked up a lot of speed and had my full attention going towards the conclusion….

Review: Holus Bolus

Book: Holus Bolus n Author: William Pauely III nn Thank you NetGalley and Doom Fiction for an advanced audio copy. n This review is for the audio version of Holus Bolus. William Pauley III and Connor Brannigan are a match…