Book: You Better Watch Out

Author: James S. Murray and Darren Wearmouth

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy.

You Better Watch Out is a different kind of Christmas book than I am used to. My Christmas books are typically romantic comedies but You Better Watch Out is a gory thriller filled with a lot of suspense and death.

You Better Watch Out is basically a copy of one of the Saw movies. A group of people wake up in an abandoned town without knowing how they got there. They all have some kind of dark secret They realize that the town is riddled with deadly traps with someone pulling the strings trying to get them all killed. 

The summary of the book talks about the character Jessica but we start off following another victim, Eddie. We also got a POV from the killer and at times the switching POVs got a little confusing with the way it was done.

This book was brutal and very gory, the violence at times was over the top and gratuitous and I loved it. In my opinion, I felt the ending was predictable but I still liked it even if I saw it coming the whole time.

The ending sets up a sequel and I’m definitely here for it. If you’re looking for a different kind of Christmas book then definitely check out You Better Watch Out. 

Final score: 4/5


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