Book: Wrapped With a Beau

Author: Lillie Vale

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for an eARC in exchange for my honest review. 

This book had me laughing out loud from the very beginning! The story follows Elisha Rowe who lives in a small town called Piney Peaks. She lives across from a historic house that is called the Christmas house. It is called the Christmas house because it was the backdrop for a beloved Christmas movie called Sleighbells Under Starlight. 

Her late friend Maeve owned the house and recently passed away so she has been taking care of it along with her cats. One night she was up and noticed someone was breaking in, she goes dressed in her pajamas and armed with a candy cane yard decoration to go after the burglar. Fortunately, it was not a burglar, it was Ves Hollins, the nephew of Maeve. The house was inherited by him. He just wants to get the house sold and be done with it so he can go back to NYC to focus on his writing career. 

Elisha wants to revive the town by creating a sequel to Sleighbells Under Starlight starring the famous Christmas house. So she needs to convince Ves to let her use the house in the film. 

I loved seeing Ves and Elisha with all the tension in the very beginning to seeing them warm up to one another. The banter they had will make you laugh out loud. I was so happy when Ves opened up to her as the story went on. 

This is an adorable book with all the Hallmark vibes. 

Final Score: 4/5


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