Book: When the Sky Falls

Author: B.R. Spangler

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for an advanced audio copy.

Not many books leave me speechless when I finish them, after finishing When the Sky Falls this book left me not only speechless but had me immediately looking for the sequel. 

When the Sky Falls mostly takes when the fog first arrives. The fog is poisonous and will burn anyone who gets stuck in it. The fog is also burning through different structures like houses and eating through different car parts making them not run. Emily’s dad is a scientist and engineer who was on a team working on machines that caused the apocalyptic event. He knows what the fog is capable of so he tells his family to flee to the mall, knowing the the structure of the mall will survive the fog. 

Emily and her younger sister Sammi head to the mall with their mother. The trip to the mall is eventful and will keep you on the edge of your seat. Once they are at the mall ideas on survival and rationing take over and everyone’s survival instinct kicks in.

This entire segment was so well written that I felt like I was in this mall with them. We then move into the future and without talking about what happens here just know I was left in utter disbelief. I loved how it ended and can not wait to see how it continues.

If your TBR is long, bump this one up towards the top.

Final score: 5/5


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