Book: Under the Whispering Door

Author: TJ Klune

In the beginning of the story I did find it to be a bit slow. Wallace was very rude and unlikeable. If you are reading this book and think the same, I encourage you to push through and continue the story. 

The story follows Wallace who dies from a heart attack. His reaper Mei comes to collect him to take him to Charon’s Crossing (a tea shop). This is where we meet Hugo who is the owner of Charon’s Crossing. He is there to help Wallace along to way. 

Also in the tea shop are Nelson (Hugo’s grandfather) and Apollo (Hugo’s dog) who are both dead but haven’t crossed over.

The story really picks up around chapter 11. There were moments when I was laughing out loud. The humor Nelson has will make you laugh and smile the entire time. 

By chapter 18 I was sobbing. I don’t usually cry reading books but this tug at my heart strings. I finished the rest of the book with tears in my eyes. I grew so attached to all the main characters. 

This is such a life changing story with exceptional character growth for all the characters. You will grow to love everyone in the tight knit found family that they have become. 

Final Score 5/5


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