Book: The Summer of Yes

Author: Courtney Walsh

Thank you NetGalley and HarperCollins Publishing for an advanced audio copy.

After immediately finishing The Summer of Yes I could not even think about another book. Very rarely do I want a book to be longer, this was one of those rare times. 

Kelsey has a near-death experience which makes her take a closer look at her life. She realizes she needs to say yes to more and go out of her comfort zone. Kelsey does not want to be full of nothing but regrets anymore. While in the hospital she shares a room with an older woman, Georgina. Georgina is a successful businesswoman who sacrificed her family to be successful. Kelsey is determined to drag Georgina into her summer of yes and help fix Georgina’s family while fixing herself. 

Kelsey and Georgina’s relationship is one of my favorite book relationships ever. It quickly became a witty grandma and granddaughter relationship and it was truly amazing to watch blossom. Georgina didn’t get to where she is by being nice so seeing her let her guard down and be human was great. From the little things we learned in her inner monologues or to her sticking her tongue out at Kelsey when Kelsey calls her a child. Everything was great. 

Kelsey wants to fix Georgina’s relationship with both her estranged husband and son but doesn’t expect to catch feelings in this journey. 

There’s so much I want to say about this book I just don’t want to give it all away. Put this book on the top of your list and read it as soon as possible. 

Final score: 5/5


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