Book: The Rom-Commers

Author: Katherine Center

Thank you NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an advanced audio copy. 

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

Kristen’s Review:


Emma loves being a screenwriter, she gives it her all. However, that dream has been on hold for the past ten years while she became her dad’s caregiver. He had an accident and will always need assistance.

An amazing opportunity comes up for her to write with Charlie Yates, the famous screenwriter, who is also one of her all-time favorites. She watches every interview he has given and has read everything he has written and now with this opportunity she gets to work with him for 6 weeks to rework a romance script he is working on.

Her sister takes over her dad’s caregiving duties, and Emma is off to LA.

I loved the banter between Charlie and Emma from the very beginning. They had such great chemistry and worked so well together. Charlie would do little things for her, like run to the local coffee shop because Emma said it was an emergency and she needed her backpack. He would always drop everything to be there for her.

All of the characters are so likable. Some people may find Charlie a jerk, especially in the beginning but I found him funny. You will fall in love with these characters by the end. And I will say I sobbed at the end from so many emotions.

Charlie and Emma are my new favorite couple!

Final Score: 5/5

Brian’s Review:

Katherine Center has been an author I have really enjoyed and now after finishing The Rom-Commers she has become a must-read author for me. It’s a close tie for which one is my favorite by her between this book and The Bodyguard, right now I will say The Rom-Commers is the winner.

The story follows Emma who wants to be a screenwriter but she feels she can not leave her home in Texas because she takes care of her father. There was an accident when Emma was younger that took the life of her mother and injured her father. You learn more about this accident throughout the book and it is truly an emotional ride.

Emma gets an opportunity to help rewrite a script with one of her favorite screenwriters Charlie Yates. Charlie at first wants nothing to do with Emma and does not want any help, but with the help of a mutual friend and Emma’s agent, Charlie accepts the help.

I went through a lot of emotions in this book and most were brought on by Charlie. You will love and hate him throughout the story. With Emma, there was never a time I did not love her. 

At the time of writing this, The Rom-Commers is on my short list for my favorite book this year. Do not miss this one!

Final Score 5/5


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