Book: The Quit List

Author: Katie Bailey

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an advanced audio copy. 

Katie Bailey has been on my list of authors that I will read anything they write. I loved both books in the Donovan family series and with The Quit List, Bailey continues to knock it out of the park.

The Quit List delivers something that I don’t find common in rom-coms. From the start, I loved both characters. I feel I usually like one and the other grows into someone I like but not here. Both characters have enormous growth but I didn’t need that growth to like them.

Holly is looking for her happily ever after. She turned to online dating and has a different date every weekend and it seems each date is worse than the last. On one terrible date, Holly is saved by Jax, the bartender of the restaurant she continues to go to on her dates at. Holly is attracted to Jax but realizes he is everything she shouldn’t want. She wants her Prince Charming, not a playboy.

Jax tries to convince himself that he does not have feelings for Holly. He is sure that he is incapable of love and settling down due to his father’s actions. Knowing this Jax agrees to be Holly’s dating coach to help her find her soulmate. 

This story was truly a gift to everyone who loves rom-coms. You will be screaming how badly you want Holly and Jax to wake up and realize they are perfect for each other. Make sure you put this on your summer reading list!

Final score: 5/5


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