Book: The Next Mrs. Parish

Author: Liv Constantin

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Ballantine for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

The Next Mrs. Parrish is the long-awaited sequel to The Last Mrs. Parrish and I will say that it did not disappoint!

We pick up right when Jackson is being released from prison. Amber is still up to her old tricks only now her money is running low. Amber is living in California with her daughters and her mom. Tallulah, her daughter is in DC for a class trip when she leaves to take a train up to Connecticut to see her dad. She wants nothing more than to see him and she continues to lash out. Amber decides to go back to Bishop Harbor just for the summer so her daughters can have supervised visits with their father.

The story is told from many different points of view, from Amber and Daphne to a new character named Daisy Ann. This was a fantastic sequel that can be read as a standalone but I suggest reading them in order.

You will not want to put this book down! It is full of suspense, twists and turns, and a great ending!

Final Score: 5/5


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