
Book: The Lifeguards


Author: Amanda Eyre Ward


*Book provided by the publisher. Release date 4/5/22


The story is about three mothers who all have their secrets to keep. They live in a very expensive “safe” neighborhood and the three of them all have children at the same time, which grows their bond even further. A murder unfolds in their “safe” quiet town that begins to unravel many of their secrets.


nIn the beginning, there are a lot of characters thrown your way but it’s all very descriptive and easy to remember.


I really enjoyed that each chapter was a different character’s point of view, this made the story flow and had me eager to keep going. I also really liked the way the book was broken down with each time frame, and the chapter lengths were great. Whenever I had a free minute I would read a chapter. I couldn’t put it down because of the many surprises thrown your way. This is a very entertaining mystery book and one I definitely recommend.


Even though this has a spring release this is a perfect summer beach read if you can wait until then… I don’t think I could have.


A huge thank you to Netgalley and Random House Publishing & Ballantine Books for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.


Score 4/5


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