Book: The Enemy 

Author: Sarah Adams 

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an advanced audio copy. 

Sarah Adams is one of those authors that I will continue to read anything she puts out. My first book by her was When in Rome and I have not looked back. It seems that every one of her books is instantly one of my favorites. 

The Enemy is the second book in the It Happened in Charleston series. You do not need to read the first book but the main character is the sister of the male lead in The Match so there is some overlap.

While I loved this book this was my least favorite by Adams. That sounds like a negative but it really isn’t. I still loved this book, I just loved it the least out of all of hers. The story follows June and Ryan who were enemies in high school but both secretly had feelings for the other. June and Ryan are thrown back together when mutual best friends get married. Ryan had all intentions of starting fresh but June kept the rivalry going. 

I really liked both characters and how selfless they both could be. The reason I didn’t love this book as much as the others was because their time hating the other just felt so forced. Their chemistry and their interactions were so strong from the beginning that I didn’t need that slow burn of wanting them to hate each other. 

As a fan of Sarah Adams, I loved the connection to When in Rome in the epilogue. It was something so small that just brought the biggest smile to my face.

Final Score 4/5


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