Book: The Cleaner

Author: Kiersten Modglin

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an advanced audio copy.

For me, The Cleaner is a very average romance book that is saved by having a unique final quarter.

I found myself getting very aggravated while reading The Cleaner. The story follows Gunner who returns home after 8 years. Gunner returned because he found a dead body that he recognized. The body was the sister of the love of his life, Reagan. After returning home the book goes through multiple timelines that show you how Gunner and Reagan’s relationship began and how they ended up where they are now.

They were a very cliche relationship. He was the bad boy she shouldn’t be with but loved him anyway. They are happy together and then an event happens that I won’t spoil that causes Gunner to leave. When you find out all the details this was absolutely infuriating. If he loved her the way he claims he did there is no way he leaves without ever contacting her. I had a hard time getting passed this.

The final quarter of this book was the strongest for me. The conclusion played out like a thriller. It was exciting and heart-pounding. The writing for this part was so strong that I would love to read a thriller by Modglin.

This is the first book in The Messes series. I will definitely continue on to the next one and see how this series continues.

Final score: 4/5


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