Book: The Baking Games

Author: Rachel Hanna

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Select for an advanced audio copy. 

The Baking Games is a perfect book for me. It was a drama filled reality show with a baking competition. Two things I love, and it’s also a rom-com. There was no way I would not love this book. I was not disappointed. I loved this book. 

The story is a dual POV.  We follow both Savannah and Rhett. Savannah has been the legal guardian of her younger sister and she has made so many sacrifices to give her sister the best life she could. She wants to go on this reality show to win the prize money so she can pay for her sister’s school. Savannah was such a good person and such an easy character to root for. 

When she arrives at the competition she finds out her ex-boyfriend Connor and her school rival Rhett are also in this competition. I have never been on a reality show so I don’t know how the behind-the-scenes works but I expect it works exactly how Rachel Hanna described, down to producers caring about good TV over the contestants. I felt like I was given a peak behind the curtain and I loved every second of it. 

The baking side of the reality show was just as strong as the drama side. I loved seeing their thought process and how different desserts came together. 

There will be a season two of the reality show so I can only hope that means we get another book. Do yourself a favor and check out The Baking Games which is out now. 

Final score: 5/5


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