Book: Sugar Plum Poisoned

Author: Jenn McKinlay

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an advanced audio copy. 

Sugar Plum Poisoned is the fifteenth book in the Cupcake Bakery Mystery series. This will work perfectly fine as a standalone but you may feel like you are missing out on some character development with not knowing the rest of the series. This was my first entry and I do feel that McKinlay did a great job of making it accessible but there were certain areas that would have been better if I was more familiar. None of this took away from my enjoyment of the book and I am looking forward to checking out more in this series.

Mel and Angie are best friends who own a cupcake bakery. Angie’s friend, a famous singer Shelby is coming to town and hires them to make cupcakes for her event. Shelby’s manager is murdered and she looks to be suspect number one since this is her second manager who was killed.

I enjoyed the investigation in this book but what really shined for me was the detail in the cupcake business. With everything going on they still had a business to run and I loved seeing how they handled their stress and work.

This is not my first book or series by this author. I jumped into the Library Lover’s Mystery series at book thirteen and felt that was easy to jump right into. McKinlay has a knack for getting you up to speed on her characters and doing it without you even realizing it. This is a book that I definitely recommend.

Final Score 4/5


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