
Book: Love & Other Expectations


Author: Becky Dean


Thank you Netgalley and Random House Children’s for an eARC.


Love & Other Great Expectations was such a fun and cute read. The story follows a high school girl named Britt Hansen. Britt gets injured playing soccer and then receives some devastating news regarding her health. Struggling with her new health condition she gets something to be excited about. She is given a once in a lifetime opportunity by her English teacher. She and 3 of her classmates have to go on a scavenger hunt following literary clues around England. Whoever wins will get a life changing amount of money. I found myself trying to figure out the clues before reading on.


It was such a fun adventure following Britt along her journey. She meets a boy named Luke who was struggling with his personal life and needed a distraction, so he joins Britt on her adventure. It was so nice to watch their feelings grow for each other.


All the characters have a great amount of growth in such a short amount of time. I love that she met Luke. They balance out each other so well making a great match. Seeing Britt’s confidence grow throughout the book was inspiring and the way the story ends was absolutely perfect.


Final Score: 4/5


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