Book: Family Doctor

Author: J. M. Dalgiesh

Thank you, NetGalley and Bookouture Audio, for an advanced audio copy.

Kelly is a doctor on a small Scottish island. Since she is the only doctor she knows everyone, and everyone knows her. Kelly has a dark secret and a past that she wants to keep hidden, but someone knows. Kelly’s daughter, Lauren, is kidnapped, and unless Lauren makes a difficult decision to kill one of her patients in the next three days, Lauren will be dead.

Family Doctor is a great thriller that suffers from being too long. It’s only 311 pages, but for this type of book and how this book is presented, it was too long with a little too much fluff we didn’t need. The book started out with a bang; there was no set-up at all. We find out right away that Lauren is Kidnapped and Kelly has three days to kill a patient. With this happening so quickly, I thought this book was going to fly, but it did not.

I liked Kelly as a character, but there were times when I felt she was just going about her daily routine. I just wanted to scream at her to remember her daughter was missing.

Kelly’s past was interesting, and I loved the drip-feed of information that we got. Especially when it all made its way back to the present day for one of the many twists and reveals.

If you are a fan of thrillers, then Family Doctor is definitely one you should check out.

Final score: 4/5 


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