Book: Enemies to Lovers

Author: Laura Jane Williams

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

Enemies to Lovers is a great summer read that takes us to Greece with Flo and her family. Flo is having the time of her life until her brother’s best friend Jamie joins them on the trip. During Christmas, Jamie led Flo on so she is very upset since she still has feelings for him. She’s now annoyed that she has to spend her vacation with him.

Once she comes to terms with him being there, she decides if she spends all the time with him, she will be really turned off.

I did enjoy the family dynamics. They all meshed well and we learned what each person has going on in their lives. I felt that this story fell a little short for me. I never really took Flo and Jamie as enemies. It mostly was her ignoring him for a big portion of the book. I expected back-and-forth banter with an enemies-to-lovers type book but there didn’t seem to be any.

Final Score: 3/5


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