
Book: Dark and Shallow Lies


Author: Ginny Myers Sain


*Book provided by the publisher


Kristen’s Review


A big thank you to Penguin Teen/Razorbill books for gifting me a copy of Dark and Shallow Lies!


The day that I received this book in the mail I figured I would read one chapter for the night. I wanted to get a feel for the writing and the storyline. Well, that night I read well over 100 pages. I could not put this book down! I absolutely loved this story. At one point I thought I had the end figured out but then there were more twists and turns. It was so easy to envision the story of it playing in my head. Each character was so unique that you couldn’t forget who each one was.


The story follows Grey who returns to her hometown of La Cachette, Lousiana to find her twin flame who has gone missing. It is a very small town with just 106 residents. She was part of a group of friends called the Summer Children who grew up together in this town. We find out that this town holds a lot of deep secrets.


I loved that each chapter started with a vision that the main character Grey was experiencing. I thought that was so different than any book I have read before.


It is a perfect thriller with a splash of magic that keeps you guessing until the very last pages.


Score: 5/5


Brian’s Review


Dark and Shallow Lies starts out by throwing over ten character names at you with descriptions of who they are and how they fit into the overall plot. Over ten! that’s a lot of characters to try to remember. It was an extremely overwhelming way to start a story.


Once I was able to get past that and just look at the story my enjoyment for the book increased. I stopped trying to remember who was who and just took it as it came. As the story progresses they keep you guessing and I don’t think you will be able to see the ending coming.


This book does something that for me is unforgivable. They describe some characters more than others in the beginning. Two of the main character’s appearance is not fully described but your imagination runs wild and pictures them anyway. Then a little bit more than two thirds of the way through the story, their physical appearances such as haircut and color are described for the first time. For so much of the book I envisioned the main characters looking one way just to find out I was totally wrong. It’s a real shame because Ginny Myers Sain does such a great job with descriptions of the location. As someone who actually has been to a small town in Louisana the descriptions were so vivid and brought back many memories. This is a choice I have a hard time looking past


Score: 3/5


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