Book: Book Boyfriend

Author: Emily Wibberley & Austin Siegemund-Broka

Thank you so much Berkley Romance for a free copy!

Jennifer Worth is a huge fan of romantasy books, specifically the Elytheum Courts series. So much so that she went to a convention about Elytheum Courts to clear her mind from her breakup with her ex-boyfriend. I loved all the friendships she made while she was at this experience. However, while she is there she runs into her work nemesis Scott Daniels who seems to be a big fan of the Elytheum Court series as well. We don’t dive deep into why they dislike each other and I feel it would have been more meaningful if we had some background on that.

I just didn’t find Scott to be a likable character. I was hoping toward the end my mind would change on him but it unfortunately didn’t. And Jennifer acted very childishly toward the end. It was the banter that they had that really saved them for me.

Overall, I enjoyed the premise of this book and I really like the supporting characters, especially Laurel, Erik, and Fred.

Final Score 3/5


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