
Book: You Can’t Hide


Author: Emily Shiner n


Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for an advanced audio copy. n

You Can’t Hide was a fast and fun thriller that had me confused in the best way possible. Each chapter goes back and forth between two characters, Beth and Lizzy. Beth’s story follows her and her husband who travel to their remote cabin to get it ready to sell. When they get there Beth feels like something was off and then this story really gets wild when the caretaker shows up.


Lizzy’s story follows her going from broke and single to married to an abusive piece of trash. Lizzy has no control over any aspect of her life and her husband is just the worst kind of human imaginable. n


Both of these stores were great on their own. This book mostly felt like two separate stories. I was confused trying to figure out how the two stories come together. When we finally find out the link it didn’t hit as hard as I was hoping. It was definitely an easy one to figure out once we got close to the reveal.


You Can’t Hide is an excellent thriller that would be on my short list of recommendations this year. Definitely check it out.n


Final Score 4/5


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