
Book: Unlikely Animals


Author: Annie Hartnett


*Book provided by Netgalley and Random House & Ballantine

nI loved everything about this book! It is such a charming, heartwarming story about a father that is dying of a brain disease and believes he is seeing animals everywhere. The story takes place in Everton where everyone knows each other. The story touched on some serious topics but it was all kept in a good light. You get attached to the characters and find yourself so drawn into their story.


What I found very different was how the story was told. It was told from the ghost’s point of view from the Maple Street town’s cemetery.


I will admit I was preparing myself for a very sad ending, to dodge spoilers it may or may not be sad but it is told in a way that you will enjoy. This is such a great read from start to finish! I can’t wait for everyone to meet these characters!


A HUGE thank you to Netgalley and Random House & Ballantine for an eARC


✨This charming book will be out on April 12! ✨n


Score 5/5


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